
Most of our parking spaces are on the side and rear of our facility, so if it looks full in front--don't worry!--there's probably plenty of spots in the back.

Your Children

We provide childcare every week for 0-5 year-old's during Discipleship Groups (10am) and during Worship Service (11am) when requested, since most of our parents want their children with them during the main service. Parents can decide if their children are mature enough to stay with them during the worship service. We don't mind a little noise from kids now and then (we like it!), but if your child is overly disruptive we would ask you to remove them from the sanctuary to quiet them down. Don't worry, no one will judge you for having a noisy kid. We've all been there.

Sunday School

Sunday School is our discipleship groups that meet at 10am before the worship service to journey together in fellowship, personal relationships, and Bible Study. We have classes for 1st-5th grade and 6th-12th grade. For grown-ups, we have two mixed-adult groups and one women's group. There might be 5-10 people in each class. You are welcome to visit our discipleship groups.

Morning Worship Service

Our worship service starts at 11am. If you face the church from the front, it's held in the building on the left. When you arrive, you can grab a calendar for the month as you enter the sanctuary. As our guest, we would love for you to fill out the care card in the back of the pew and put it in the offering basket near the entrance. This will enable us to contact you to see if we can serve you in any way or answer any questions you have. You may sit wherever you want during the service, and there is no dress code. We sing, read Scripture, pray, recite the Apostles Creed, and hear a sermon from God's Word. You won't be forced to do anything, or speak, or be singled out, although some of our members will want to meet you. We usually get done worshiping together around noon so we can transition to our weekly fellowship lunch (potluck).

Fellowship Lunch

We almost always have a potluck fellowship meal together at noon after our Worship Service. You are invited to stay and eat with us, even if you didn't bring anything. There's always plenty, and we love showing hospitality to our guests. Near the end of our meal, we spend some time talking about what we are doing to serve our community together, and we pray together. You can leave at any time.


If you have any other questions about our church, you can click on  "CONTACT/MAP" at the top and fill in the form, or email our secretary directly at The secretary is available Thursdays, so if you need to communicate outside that day, you may email the pastor at

We Hope to Welcome You Soon!

Information for Visitors