The Gospel

Our Statement of Faith

Our church leadership is in substantial agreement with The Baptist Faith & Message (2000) of the Southern Baptist Convention as a statement of our faith. Agreement with this doctrine is required for leadership in the church, but not for membership. Members must agree with the Furnace Creek Baptist Church Member's Commitment, which reads as follows:

1. We, the members of Furnace Creek Baptist Church, commit ourselves to the Lord Jesus Christ and to one another.

2. We commit to maintain our faith in Jesus Christ alone for salvation.

3. We commit, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to be obedient followers of Jesus according to what is taught in God’s Word.

4. We commit, by God’s grace, to love, help, serve, encourage, pray for, warn, rebuke, discipline, forgive, and restore one another in accordance with Scripture and in a spirit of humility.

5. We commit to extending the same grace and mercy to one another that God has given to us in Christ, being slow to give or take offense and eager to seek reconciliation.

6. We commit to the regular financial support of this church and its ministries as God has prospered us.

 7. We commit to regularly participate in the life and activities of this church, excepting for physical infirmity.